Manifestation Workshop
For a Positive Writing Outcome
Sunday, March 12, 2023
3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Eastern (12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Pacific)

To celebrate the new possibilities of Spring, internationally renowned manifestation coach Matt Cooke will be joining us for a ninety-minute live workshop on Sunday, March 12, from 3 to 4:30 pm Eastern.
Matt’s talk will feature an overview on manifestation and how you, as a writer, can redirect thoughts and feelings to create a successful outcome for your writing project.
In this first-ever session at Story Summit, you’ll learn the techniques to change your writing life by visualizing what you want and focusing your thoughts to manifest it.
The live workshop will also include Matt interviewing two of our Summiteers. They’ve both used manifestation practices with their writing—one to land a traditional publishing deal and another to have a screenplay optioned by an acclaimed producer.
More than ever before, we need to get our stories into the marketplace to bring change, joy and hope to a world that awaits them.
Story Summit is built on three qualities: education, inspiration and encouragement. No one represents those qualities better than Matt. He’s an exceptional teacher and thought-leader.
March 12 is the day when Daylight Savings Time begins, so why not celebrate the longer days of spring by welcoming a powerful new practice into your life? Please join us from 3 to 4:30 pm Eastern for Story Summit’s first-ever manifestation workshop. The cost is only $49.99.
If you're not familiar with Matt Cooke's work, you can check out his Instagram account @mattcookecoach and website (mattcooke.me) to get a taste of his approach to manifestation coaching. Matt has helped countless individuals transform their lives and achieve their goals, and now he's bringing his expertise to the Story Summit community. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business!
Registration fee: $49.99 for 1.5 hours of live workshop.
March 12th, 2023
3 to 4:30 PM Eastern (12 to 1:30 PM Pacific)
Please note: Our classes are designed specifically for live participation, so your attendance is important. If you need to miss the workshop for any reason, per request you’ll receive a passcode-protected link to watch the recordings after it is over.

"I teach the mechanics of manifestation, backed up by scientific research and real-life examples. Manifestation is an inside job, so that’s where we start. Let's work together to make it happen."
—Matt Cooke, Manifestation Coach
"I have never met anyone as clear and helpful as Matt Cooke on how the agency of feeling and thought can positively affect the outcome of a writing project."
— David Kirkpatrick, former President of Paramount Pictures and former Production Chief of Walt Disney Studios

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